Customer Effort Score (CES)

Customer Effort Score is a metric that gauges the ease of interaction a customer has with a company. This includes actions like purchasing a product, getting an issue resolved, or navigating through a website. The idea behind CES is that customers are more likely to remain loyal and engage more with businesses that provide an effortless experience. 

How to Measure Customer Effort Score (CES)? 

Measuring CES is typically done through customer surveys asking one simple question: “On a scale from ‘very easy’ to ‘very difficult’, how easy was it to interact with our company?”. The responses are then used to calculate the average CES. 

Below are some key steps you can follow to measure the Customer Effort Score: 

  1. First, decide on the customer interaction points where you want to measure the effort.
  2. Next, conduct a survey by asking customers to rate the ease of their interaction at those points.
  3. Responses are usually on a scale from 1 (very difficult) to 7 (very easy).
  4. Finally, calculate the average score to get your CES.

By consistently measuring and analyzing your CES, you can identify pain points in your customer experience and take necessary steps to make improvements.

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