Marketing Metrics Database

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Bounce Rate

The percentage of visitors who land on your website or landing page and then leave without interacting further or clicking on anything else.
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Click-through Rate, CTR

It’s a measure of how many people clicked on a specific link out of the total who viewed a page, email, or ad.

Foot Traffic

The number of people who visit your store.

Peak Traffic Times

The particular periods within a day, week, or month when your website or social media platforms experience the highest volume of visitors. 

Sales by Product or Category

The number of units sold for each product or category in a given period. 
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Sell-through Rate

The percentage of units sold versus units received.
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Stock Turn Rate

This metric gives you insights into how quickly your inventory sells.

Website Visits

When it comes to measuring campaign effectiveness, website visits are a marketer’s best friend. They not only show the level of engagement with your content but also indicate the reach of your marketing activities. 
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