Marketing Metrics Database

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Ad Engagement Rate

Ad engagement rate encapsulates how often people engage with your ad, which can be through actions such as clicks, likes, shares, comments, or any other measurable interaction a user has with your content.
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Click-through Rate, CTR

It’s a measure of how many people clicked on a specific link out of the total who viewed a page, email, or ad.
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Conversion Rate

The number of customers who perform a desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.


Impressions denote the number of times your advertisement or content is displayed, regardless of whether it was clicked or not.
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Return on Ad Spend, ROAS

ROAS answers the question, “For every dollar spent on advertising, how much revenue did we generate?”

Sales by Product or Category

The number of units sold for each product or category in a given period. 
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Sell-through Rate

The percentage of units sold versus units received.
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Stock Turn Rate

This metric gives you insights into how quickly your inventory sells.
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